Friday, October 16, 2009

Pub - Burlington, Ontario, Canada

Here we have the Black Bull, a British-style pub. Makes you feel like you're in the UK doesn't it? Except for the minivans and SUVs parked out front. Anyway, I'm not much of a drinker but I like to go to this bar (um I mean pub) when they have Karaoke night on Wednesdays and Saturdays. I haven't been in a while (kids and all), but next time you come to Canada, I will definitely take you. We will sing our hearts out! You're it Carol!


notanymore said...

This is a GREAT idea for a blog. I was looking for fashion blogs, but man... this is hilarious. Jen, Carol. You. ROCK. Thanks for making my day.

Jobove - Reus said...

very good blog, congratulations
regard from Reus Catalonia
thank you

Unknown said...

I really enjoy this blog and keep coming back looking for updates.

Aviatrix said...

So does Carol now have to find a Canadian-style pub? She must think so, because if she were only to need a regular pub I can't think that it would have taken her so long to respond.

Your loyal fanbase awaits.

Carol said...

Jen, I totally forgot I was to get a photo of a pub! *so, so, so, so sorry* Do you still want to continue this blog? I think we should definately get back into it! =D But one thing: could you change Glasgow to either Edinburgh ('cos I live there now) or Edinburgh/Glasgow ('cos I spend most of my time in Glasgow)? Thanks! Photo of a pub will be taken again today. =) Cx

Aviatrix said...

Please continue. I miss you.

Carol said...

It's back!! I have a photo of a long awaited Scottish pub!! =D

Carol said...

Jen, I can't edit this blog. :( Can you invite me again? I've got a photo of a pub waiting.

Thank you. :)